Five unmarried sisters make the most of their simple existence in rural Ireland in the 1930s.
明朝时期有一名女飞贼飞鹰(米雪 饰)劫富济贫,神捕陆战(元华 饰)也被她的风姿吸引,两人结合后生下一女,名叫陆拾义(周丽淇 饰),飞鹰也就此在江湖销声匿迹。长大后的拾义成为了一名女捕快,处处为百姓伸张正义,却被衙门中的男人看轻。刚好新上任的县令水东流整治官员中腐败现象,便与拾义联手破解了多宗奇案。 就在这个时候发生的一宗谋杀案,嫌疑犯锁定在飞鹰身上。母亲隐瞒多年的身份终于被拾义妹知道了。拾义妹为了帮飞鹰洗脱罪名,决定与水东流一起寻找真凶。
Castaways hover on the 'Edge of Extinction' in an all-new twist, and four returning players attempt to bond with their new tribemates. Also, castaways tackle a giant puzzle in their first immunity challenge of the season.
英国最强的男人在16年牢狱生活之后被放了出来,一个热爱英国的美国电影制片人找到他,开始了一段搞笑的英国黑帮生活拍摄之旅 After sixteen years at Her Majesty's Pleasure, Britain's hardest man is released from prison, and into the care of a documentary film crew headed by a Brit-loving American film-maker who follow him for the next week, on an hilarious roller-coaster tour of gangland London and beyond. A fast moving, star studded, roller coaster ride of violence, madness and mayhem in this gritty British crime film. Bulla is the 'Big Fat Gypsy Gangster', labelled the most dangerous man in Britain. After serving sixteen years at her majesty's pleasure, Bulla is out on the streets again, but things start to go wrong from the moment he steps out and finds that he's lost everything on the outside world. Fleeced by the same corrupt copper that put him behind bars, even his favourite 'Aunt Queenie' is about to lose the roof from over her head; in Bulla's world family is everything. It's time for Bulla to fight back. Get ready for a white knuckle ride into London's underworld as the most dangerous man in Britain sets about reclaiming his crime empire.
A woman gets entangled in a series of bizarre lies in order to take care of herself and her 12 year old son.
影片中出现的大象泰,还出现在了《大象的眼泪》一片中。 影片中出现的长颈鹿Tweet曾经出现在金·凯瑞的代表作《神探飞机头》之中。 富兰克林公园动物园是波士顿当地的一家著名的动物园,1913年开业,占地72英亩。 在富兰克林公园动物园,一群动物们都很爱他们好心的饲养员Griffin Keyes(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James),但他们发现他和狮子在一起比跟姑娘在一起相处融洽。Griffin觉得他找到人生另一半的唯一机会就是另找一个体面的工作,此时动物们都很伤心,他们决定向Griffin展示他们的秘密:他们能说人话!为了Griffin不要离开,他们当上了他的求爱老师,可惜是以动物的方式……
The Taylor's family dog, Max, is kidnapped by the evil Sirus Caldwell, (Zack Ward) CEO of mega corporation Envigormax, to be used as a test subject for a new super energy drink. When trials go terribly wrong, Max escapes only to be transformed from his lovable self into... ''Monster Mutt''! The Taylor kids, Ashley (Rhiannon Leigh Wryn) & Zach (Billy Unger) try to save their loyal friend with the help of the scientist, Dr. Victor Lloyd (Brian Stepanek), who regretfully helped transform Max. The children must elude the evil Sirus and his henchwoman Natalya (Juliet Landau), who are determined to capture Monster Mutt to complete their experiment! Monster Mutt, is an adventure in both comedy & chaos as the Taylor kids race to find a cure for their furry loved one before it's too late!
电影分为两个短片。 《鬼才给你off 》:阿南和阿雷是两名备战军人,两人来到军营接收训练。不幸的是,负责训练他们的排长是一个极为严苛冷酷的男人,待他们手下毫不留情。为了能够逃脱艰苦的训练,阿南和阿雷想出了种种歪招,却总是被排长识破而遭到辱骂惩罚。最终,忍无可忍的两人决定使出一个终极大招,哪知道这个大招给他们带来了灭顶之灾。 《鬼才嫁给你》:阿辉是一个内向木讷不善言辞的男人,这样的个性令他在情场中屡屡遭遇挫折,渐渐对爱情失去了希望。某日,阿辉结识了一位名叫阿海的男子,阿海告诉阿辉,自己能够有办法帮阿辉带来桃花运,此时的阿辉并不知道,阿海其实是一个开启了地狱之门的家伙。
先王老来得子,所以对和平公主(柳真 饰)格外宠爱,而这个从天而降的妹妹亦被王兄捧在手掌心里,爱护有加。生活在温暖的亲情之中,和平公主的性格单纯又善良,要说唯一的缺点,那就是她似乎有些太胖了。然而,这么多年来,宫中从来没有人提起过公主的体型,就连公主自己也觉得这并没有什么不对。 某日,和平公主遭遇险境,之后,一位名叫白莫镇的男子出现救了她,和平公主对白莫镇一见钟情,并最终成为了他的妻子。可是,新婚之夜,白莫镇对和平公主十分冷淡,不仅如此,他还勾搭上了公主的侍女。悲愤的和平公主决定依靠自己的力量挽回白莫镇的心,就这样,她踏上了漫漫减肥之路。