仲川有栖(福原遥)在11岁时因亡母的影响下,梦想成为能在国外活跃的美术馆策展人,通过推荐她决定升入大学文学部艺术专业,但这时却意外怀孕…… 另一方面,即将40岁的成濑瞳子(深田)是一位能干的艺术专家,经营着现代艺术公司的她将艺术和商业联系在一起,但爱情却一直保持了10年的礼仪模式…… 这样的两个女人因相遇而彼此的人生发生了巨大的变化,另外也描绘了两人与有原因的男子之间的爱情故事。
"Take Care" is a comedy about a woman (Leslie Bibb), who returns home from the hospital after getting hit by a car, only to realize no one wants to take care of her. After being brushed off by her sister, (Nadia Dajani), best friend, (Marin Ireland) and neighbor, (Michael Stahl-David) she reluctantly asks an ex-boyfriend, (Thomas Sadoski) to help her.(SXSW)