明末崇祯年间,长平公主(佘诗曼 饰)与昭任公主跟着周后在民间生活,她们不得随意讲起自己的身世,昭仁时时怀念年幼时宫中的美好光景,善良的长平总是变着法子满足姐姐打扮自己的欲望。长平在铸炮坊重遇幼时玩伴周世显(马浚伟 饰),当年周后被贬的真相方才水落石出。母女三人获召回宫,世显亦入宫任教。然而当下局势动荡,世显被荐上战场。相爱的二人无奈再次分离。李自成攻陷京城,明朝灭亡,不久吴三桂又引清兵入关,大清建立。世显与长平虽然劫后重逢,如原成婚,然而他们的内心,早已抱持了一个坚定的信念……
Since deciding to leave Filosofi Kopi, Ben (Chicco Jerikho) has lived in his hometown and has been actively defending farmer groups whose land has been taken over by the Company. At the same time, Jody (Rio Dewanto) is preparing a new concept of Philosophy of Coffee which will be launched soon. Ahead of the launch event, Ben who was scheduled to attend suddenly disappears. Jody sets out to find Ben. In order to save Ben, they face life and death adventures against gangs of illegal loggers led by Tubir (Yayan Ruhian), until their encounter with a traditional village group changes the map of their resistance.