大件事!小新一家變成全國通輯犯!在少年警訊的「野原家成魔之路特輯」中透露,小新一家正與邪惡勢力「獎鬥人」進行「秘密東西」交易。據小新的好朋友正男(別號:「無間正男」) 所說,自從美冴媽媽縮減早餐改買「特級烤肉」晚餐的那一刻開始,他們一家就變了,爸爸變成「臭狐戰士」,媽媽化成「電波少女」,小新聯同妹妹小葵、小狗小白組成「搗蛋兵團」。另據警方線人指出小新一家正合力避開警民耳目,潛入獎門人的總部。但在另一方面,小新一家的鄰居卻相信他們是無辜的。究竟誰是誰非?小新一家真的與邪惡勢力交易?還是另有冤情?
Two Kurdish little people in Iraq risk their lives to fulfill their dreams and that is to meet football hero Cristiano Ronaldo.
Mara Lorbeer, a fifteen year old girl, finds out that she has to save the world because the Norse god Loki is threatening to break free of his chains.
Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstic, a Bosnian commander on trial for war crimes.